Welcome to AuctionTrac!
New and Returning Guests
Whether you are new or a returning guest, signing in to AuctionTrac is as simple as clicking on the Google Sign In button below. If you are a new guest, you will be asked to complete a very short registration form and allow AuctionTrac limited access to some of your information.

New guests ...

We have moved to Google as our single Sign In option. Below is a simple video tutorial that walks you through the sign in and registration process. If you have any questions or problems please contact us at [email protected].
If you are an employee of ADESA, please click the button below to sign in. If this is your first time signing in you will be required to register.
For first time users, we have provided a simple video tutorial that walks you through the sign in and registration process. Click the Standard Video button to start the tutorial in standard definition. The Low Res Video offers a lower resolution option for slower devices and internet connections.
Note: AuctionTrac employee sign in now uses Okta, the same username and password that you use to sign in to your computer and email.